What To Do Before Your Headshot Session
What To Do Before Your Headshot Session
Preparing for your headshot session can be stressful for some people. Most of us are uncomfortable in front of the camera and have no idea what to do ahead of time. We have a preparation guide that we send out to anyone that books with us to help make your session easy and preparing for it effortless.
Try on your outfits
After choosing several flattering outfits, make sure you try them all on. Make sure everything still fits and looks flattering. Tighter fitting clothing is more flattering than loosely fitting or bagging clothing. Choose mostly neutral colored tops (read: not pattern) and stick to colors that compliment your skin tone.
Check for missing buttons, stains or holes (hey, it happens to the best of us!)
If you bought new clothing (go ahead - treat yourself!) make sure all tags are removed
Iron any wrinkles and remove pet hair
Get Plenty of Sleep
Make sure to go to bed early the night before your session, you want to look well rested
According to San Francisco photographer Florence Catania you should get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before your headshot session so you look well rested and refreshed.
And be sure to moisturize your face the night before your session while you sleep. It’ll help with the refreshed, glowing look!
Although sleep should always be a priority, starting good sleep habits about a week before your session can make a big difference
Drink Plenty of Water
Hydration is key to dewy glow we all want!
Drinking a lot of water leading up to your session will help keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, giving a great look in your headshot
Being a model is hard work! Staying hydrated will help keep your energy up during your session
Relax and Have Fun
Possibly the most important thing you can to do prepare for your headshot session is relax and have a good time!
Trust in the photographer that you have hired to guide you and have your back. We want you to look your best and enjoy the experience!